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June 6, 2010

Remembering Coach John Wooden


Today I will be blogging about one of my mentors, who passed away yesterday. That’s right, his name was Coach John Wooden. He only won 10 NCAA basketball championships. What you probably haven't heard, is that he continued to work hard and smart at his craft for 18 years, before he won his first NCAA championship.

While most coaches would have quit, or changed schools, he continued to develop his leadership philosophy with his teams. He taught life skills to all of his players. He was demanding and challenging of all his players, but was also fair.

He also developed The Pyramid of Success, which is a pyramid that has 15 principles for Success. Listed below is a picture of the Pyramid.

Starting on the bottom level, from left to right is the first block, Industriousness.

The next principle is Friendship.

After friendship is loyalty.

Then comes Cooperation.

At the end of the right side of the first bottom level of the pyramid is Enthusiasm.
On the lower second level of the pyramid we have Self-Control.

Moving again left to right we have Alertness.

After alertness comes Initiative.

The last block on the lower second level is Intentness.

On the lower third level we have Condition.

After Condition we have Skill.

On the lower third level the last block is Team Spirit.

Now, we will focus on the two blocks on the second level from the top. We will start with Poise.

Next, we have Confidence.

Finally, the top level of the pyramid is Competitive Greatness.

Now we will focus on the 12 lessons in leadership.
1. Good Values Attract Good People
2. Love Is The Most Powerful Four-Letter Word
3. Call Yourself a Teacher
4. Emotion is Your Enemy
5. It Takes 10 Hands to Make a Basket
6. Little Things Make Big Things Happen
7. Make Each Day Your Masterpiece
8. The Carrot is Mightier Than a Stick.
9. Make Greatness Attainable By All
10. Seek Significant Change
11. Don't Look At The Scoreboard
12. Adversity is Your Asset
To learn more about the Pyramid of Success and other resources please visit: To get your own free copy of the Wooden on Leadership Pyramid of Success, please visit:
"Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable." Coach John Wooden
See you next time.